Get Involved.




Cold Water Creek Fire

We have partnered with the Chamber, Red Cross, and Abundant Grace Church to help those affected by the devastating fire at Coldwater Creek Apartments. We have made a page to take direct monetary donations that will go straight to those affected while Abundant Grace Church will be the primary drop off location for items.

Monetary Donations -

Item Donations - Abundant Grace Church (1861 Watson BLVD)


Houston County Health Department

Houston County Health Department would like to team up with Southside Volunteers to monitor patients receiving the COVID -19 Vaccine. Medical Background is not required.

Once the shot is administered, you are asked to stay in your car in the parking lot for 15 minutes to ensure there is no reaction. Volunteers will monitor the parking lot for reactions. 

This will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-5. You may not be able to do all three days or all day but hopefully you can volunteer for a time slot. 

We will have sign up sheets available Sunday or you can sign up by clicking here.

All Volunteers will have training on January 19th at 9am.
Choose one (or multiple) slots that you are willing to assist with the Houston County Health Department located at 98 Cohen Walker Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088

This will be an ongoing event.